Be Present

On Tuesday, August 27th, we kicked off our annual Opening Day presentation with a powerful video containing a very special message. This year's theme is 'Be Present'.

For our leaders, "Being Present" means more than being visible. It’s about actively listening, offering unwavering support, and truly connecting with our community in every interaction.

For our students, it means plunging into their education, embracing challenges, with curiosity and determination.

For our teachers, being present is about truly seeing each student, understanding their unique needs, and fostering an environment where every voice matters.

Being present goes beyond the walls of our classrooms. It's about being there for each other, forging connections that extend beyond fleeting moments and building a community where kindness and understanding thrive.

Here's to a year filled with presence, purpose, and endless possibilities. ❀

🎦 by Plymouth EDTV