Welcome to Plymouth Community Intermediate School
Plymouth Community Intermediate School is located in Plymouth, Massachusetts. We opened in 1973 as the Plymouth-Carver Intermediate School serving students from Plymouth and Carver. In 1987, we became known as Plymouth Community Intermediate School. We are a middle school with over 1200 students in grades 6 - 8. We have over 150 staff and support personnel. Our school mascot is the "Falcon" and our school motto is "PCIS…soaring strongly and proudly into the future." The school is divided into four houses: Apollo, Gemini, Mercury and Ranger House named after the 1970's space programs.
We are very proud of our enrichment programs at PCIS. We have full-time Instrumental Directors with a grade 6 band and grades 7 & 8 bands. Our Theatre Arts Program offers chorus for grades 6, 7 & 8. There are many theatre productions during the year culminating with a full-scale musical. There is also a planetarium with a part-time director.
There are over 30 student extra-curricular activities such as clubs, intramurals, and interscholastic sports. We have a nationally-recognized weather station that is part of the WBZ School Weathernet, a local Boston TV Station. Our school has a friendly 120-seat auditorium we call The Little Theater. This accommodates school plays, team activities, and a fully-equipped cable TV studio.The school year is capped off with the PCIS Olympics, an athletic and academic competition and with other exciting end-of-the-year activities.
Our students have selected four words to describe us:
The middle school experience in Plymouth is designed to expose our students to a wide variety of academic and enrichment courses in order to help them make more informed decisions as they move on to high school. Whether through our rigorous academic programs, our extensive offering of student clubs and athletics, or our extensive involvements in community service, students at PCIS encouraged to realize their full social, emotional, physical, and intellectual potential.
What Sets Us Apart
We recognize that success looks different for each student. For learners at the middle level, we believe the team approach provides the best opportunity for growth. At PCIS, grade levels are divided into smaller academic houses, allowing our students, parents, and teachers to forge meaningful relationships and a strong sense of belonging.
4X Voted PTA National School of Excellence
NFL Fuel Up to Play 60 Grant Recipient
Game Change: The Patriots Anti-Violence Partnership Grant
Virtual High School Opportunities
Travel Abroad opportunities with our sister-towns Plymouth, UK & Shichigahama, Japan
Beyond the Classroom
We offer three seasons of interscholastic sports in which our student-athletes learn the true value of teamwork and sportsmanship while competing at a high level with other school teams in the area. Additionally, there are intramural sports available to all of our students. We have a wide array of clubs and after-school activities providing valuable skills while broadening our students' interests. If there is enough interest, we will make a club!
Service learning and staying connecting to our community is an important part of our school philosophy. Each grade level has a Service Learning Group which plans and takes part in activities such as peer mentoring at Plymouth elementary schools, community service projects, and fundraising efforts for various charities.
Grade 6: Student Ambassadors
Grade 7: 7th Grade Senators
Grade 8: Falcon Pride
School Hours
How can I get school and district information from home?
You can visit us on the web by navigating to www.plymouth.k12.ma.us. The Plymouth Public Schools website has links to school websites, district calendars, bus routes, and much, much more.
How will my child get home if he/she stays after school?
Late buses run on Tuesdays and Thursdays and are provided for students who remain after school for extra help, an activity, or for detention. The routes of our approximately thirty-five regular buses are consolidated into seven routes for the late buses. Since the late buses only travel the main roads in town, your child may be dropped off at some distance from your home. The students who stay after school must sign an after-school attendance sheet indicating which bus they will be riding and obtain a “free” late bus ticket. Late bus routes are posted in the cafeteria, in all offices, and in the main lobby.
Why is there a police officer at the school?
PCIS is fortunate to have a School Resource Officer (SRO). He is available as a support to students and staff alike should any questions or needs arise. Each year he runs an after-school Junior Police Academy for our interested students.
What extra-curricular activities are available?
Morning intramurals and our breakfast club are offered daily at 7:30 a.m. for students wishing to arrive early. No prior sign-up is needed and all students are welcome to attend. The intramural sport varies throughout the year. After school, PCIS offers many clubs and activities throughout the year. A list is generated in September and posted in many locations throughout the building and on our website. Typically, clubs run on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Some of the clubs that have been offered in the past include: Weather Club, Art Club, Homework Club and Spanish Club. Intramurals, as well as interscholastic sports are also offered after school. There is never a fee to join these activities.
What is the electronic device policy at PCIS, including cell phones?
Students are not allowed to use electronic devices during the school day. Phones are available for student use should it become necessary to contact a parent during the day. After school, cell phones and other devices may be used outside the building. If a student has a cell phone, iPod or other electronic device out during the school day, the item will be taken by the teacher or assistant principal. Parents may be required to pick up the item. Any loss or theft of electronic devices is not the responsibility of the Plymouth Public Schools. Please refer to the student handbook for further information.
What is the dismissal policy?
Plymouth Public Schools’ purpose for this policy is the child’s safety.
The Plymouth Public Schools will not allow anyone other than a child’s custodial parent/guardian to take the child away from school. If the custodial parent/guardian wants a relative, friend, former spouse, other adult or care provider to pick the child up at school, the custodial parent/guardian must give written permission in advance.
A custodial parent must immediately provide the principal’s office with any court orders regarding the custody of the student.
Students will not be released to a non-custodial parent, that is, a parent who does not have physical custody, without a written caregiver form signed by the custodial parent and a copy of the most recent court order.
If there is an agreement between the parents that the non-custodial parent will be picking up the student on a regular basis, the custodial parent must provide a caregiver form to the principal listing the time period or dates the arrangement will begin and end, and on what days the non-custodial parent will be picking up the child. The non-custodial parent will be required to show a driver’s license or other government issued photo identification prior to the child being released. All written permissions will be retained on file and logged.
Plymouth Public Schools will not release a child on the basis of a telephone call or any form of electronic communication.
If a child is to be released to a parent/guardian, a verified designee, or any other person, the adult picking up the child must sign the DISMISSAL LOG and show photo identification, preferably a Massachusetts license, before the school will release the student.
The custodial parent’s written caregiver consent will remain valid for the current school year and will need to be renewed annually. Plymouth Public Schools will be entitled to rely on the documentation in the student file as to releasing the student.
What fundraising activities take place at PCIS?
The P.T.A. raises funds mainly through the magazine drive held each September. This generates the largest portion of the money needed to support a variety of activities throughout the year. Many groups at the school such as the Band, the Chorus, the Falcon Pride group, and individual teams hold fundraisers for their own activities. The teachers responsible for the specific groups organize these.
How do I obtain a CORI?
CORIs are good for three years. If you have NOT filed a CORI in one of the elementary schools within the last three years, you can fill one out in the main office during office hours, 7:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m. daily. The opportunity will also be available during open houses.
How can I become involved at PCIS?
All parents are encouraged to join the Parent Teacher Association (P.T.A.), which offers many opportunities for volunteering, including working at the school store and helping with fundraisers. Parents are also welcome to speak with their child’s teacher regarding volunteering in the classroom and chaperoning field trips. The School Council is another chance to become involved. Elections are held in the fall. For the safety of our students, ALL parent volunteers must have a current Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) on file with the Plymouth Public Schools and present a valid government ID when visiting the building.
Will my child be required to change clothes for gym? How will personal belongings be protected?
All students must change out of their school clothes into clothing brought from home for gym. Each student will be given a basket in the locker room in which they can leave their belongings. At the beginning of 6th grade, they will have the opportunity to purchase a combination lock from the PE department. Although students may bring their own locks from home, they are encouraged to purchase locks from the school. PE teachers retain a log of serial numbers and combinations for many years.
How will my child find his/her bus in the afternoon?
PCIS has approximately 35 buses. Each bus is assigned a number and a slot in the back parking lot of PCIS. Typically, the slot number remains the same throughout the entire year. All homeroom teachers and all offices have a map of the bus numbers and the corresponding slot numbers. Please encourage your child to ask any adult staff or faculty member if he/she is unsure of the location of his/her bus. We understand this can cause anxiety for many students.
Where can I find my child’s bus stop information?
The bus company used by Plymouth Public Schools, First Student, publishes all bus routes in the Old Colony Memorial newspaper prior to school opening. Please make a note of the bus and slot number and ask your child to become familiar with these numbers also.
What Enrichment classes will be offered to my child?
All 6th grade students who are enrolled in band or chorus rotate their schedules every other day between PE and band or chorus. Those not enrolled in band or chorus will have PE every day. All 6th grade students will also have one period of enrichment every day.All 7th and 8th grade students who are enrolled in band, chorus, or strings rotate their schedules every other day between PE and band or chorus. Students not electing band, chorus, or strings rotate every other day between PE and an enrichment class, with enrichment classes changing quarterly.Enrichment classes offered by grade are as follows:
6th grade - Health, Computer Art, Art and Music
7th grade - Health, Tech Ed I, Tech Ed II, Art, Performing Arts, and Communicating With Technology
8th grade - Health, Tech Ed I, Tech Ed II, Art
In addition, 7th grade students will have 1 semester of Spanish and 1 semester of French every other day, and 8th grade students will have Spanish or French every day.
With whom and when will my child eat lunch?
There are three lunches at PCIS. Our first lunch starts at 11:05 a.m. and our last lunch ends at 12:31 p.m. The students enjoy lunch with their entire house. Two assistant principals and a number of teachers supervise each lunch, giving students, teachers and administrators a more casual opportunity to get to know each other.
Will my child be changing classes during the day?
Our 6th-grade students are placed on a team of two teachers. Students rotate classes between their teachers for five academic subjects a day and attend PE or enrichment class two periods a day.
Our 7th and 8th-grade students are placed on teams consisting of five teachers. They also rotate among these teachers for five academic subjects a day and attend PE or enrichment class two periods a day.
How does the “house” model work?
PCIS is divided into four separate houses: Apollo, Gemini, Mercury, and Ranger. Apollo houses the world language department and the English Language Learner classes. All of the others house 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students. Each house has an assistant principal, a guidance counselor, and a secretary, making the houses actually small schools within a larger one. The majority of students stay in the same house for all three years at PCIS.
How many students attend PCIS?
Our current enrollment is approximately 980 students in grades 6-8.
What are the school day hours?
The day begins at 8:02 a.m. with students considered tardy after 8:12 a.m. School dismissal begins at 2:40 p.m. and after-school activities are finished at 3:45 p.m.