The Plymouth Education Foundation began the Starfish Honor program to recognize the difference Plymouth Public Schools’ staff make in our community and support the work of the Plymouth Education Foundation. The PEF provides support to students and staff in a variety of ways, including high school scholarships, grants for books,special programs, field trips, etc.
Inspired by The Starfish Story, where one person can make a significant impact on another's life, students, parents, and community members are invited to recognize those whom have made a difference by making a $10 donation to the Plymouth Education Foundation. The donor fills out an online form that names a person/staff/or school whom they would like to honor and their school. The recipient will receive a card sharing a personalized message from the donor and a copy of the Starfish Story.
In addition, a card can be sent to a specific school which honors the school as a whole or recognizes several staff members. Honor a “starfish” who has made a difference in your child’s life! Information on the Starfish Honor program can be found at the link below.