Want to thank someone who has made a difference and support a good cause?
The Starfish Honor program, started by the Plymouth Education Foundation, helps you to recognize a member of the Plymouth Public Schools’ staff who has made a difference in our school community and supports the work of the Plymouth Education Foundation. The PEF provides funding to students and staff in a variety of ways, including high school scholarships, grants for books, special programs, field trips etc.
Inspired by The Starfish Story, where one person can make a significant impact on another’s life, students, parents, and community members are invited to recognize those whom have made a difference by making a $10 donation to the Plymouth Education Foundation. The donor fills out an online form that names a person/staff/or school whom they would like to honor and their school. The recipient will receive a card sharing a short personalized message from the donor and a copy of the Starfish Story. Cards can also be sent to honor a whole school! Say thank you and honor a “starfish” who has made a difference!
Information on the Starfish Honor program can be found at the link: https://www.plymoutheducationfoundation.org/starfish-honor