November is Type 1 Diabetes Awareness Month! The Plymouth Public Schools will recognize World Diabetes Day on Tuesday, November 14th. Please join us by wearing BLUE in support of 26 Plymouth students diagnosed with T1D on 11/14. Check out South Shore Action for Hope's website for more information, and consider purchasing a blue bracelet in support of our students living with T1D! 💙 https://www.ssactionforhope.org/

The Pilgrim Area Collaborative, in collaboration with PYDC and Plymouth Public Schools, will be hosting an important event on November 15th at 7:00 PM in the Performing Arts Center at PNHS. Join us to view the film “Screenagers: Under the Influence”, the third movie in the Screenagers trilogy to examine the impact of our digital age on teens' decision-making in relation to substances such as vaping, drugs, and alcohol. This film highlights the changing landscape of the substances themselves, offering solutions for how we can best empower teens as they face decisions about what they will and will not be influenced by. https://fb.me/e/1rlKKZfEh

We're wrapping up the month of October with a HUGE shoutout to each of our Principals for #NationalPrincipalsMonth! 🏫 To our school leaders: We appreciate you working tirelessly to shape our schools, and for ensuring that the success of students comes first. Thank you for all that you do each and every day, and for bringing your passion and dedication to education in our community! 🙌📚📝

Tune in to Plymouth EDTV at 7:00 PM for tonight's School Committee meeting on local channels Comcast 14/Verizon 45, or on EDTV's YouTube channel. The full agenda can be viewed at http://bit.ly/PPS_SchoolCommitteeAgenda. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMElmv-WMvw

Several Robotics Team members from Plymouth North High School recently attended the MA STEM Week VEX Robotics Competition and made it to Quarterfinals! Looking forward to cheering on the two teams that are working diligently towards the next round on November 18th. 🤖 Read more: https://www.facebook.com/PlymouthPublicSchoolsMA/posts/pfbid0Btop4rXj5sQ6MuZB9gPQfiyWiLDcZkRKxMdC12D2JPU99Hv64iHhYPDNgtbxqwH7l

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH: Support local artists and our PNHS Student Council by attending the Plymouth North High School Hometown Handmade Craft Fair from 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM. Admission is FREE, donations are optional. Check out the Discussion feed on their Facebook Event to preview some of the amazing vendors who will be in attendance! 🤩 https://fb.me/e/1IFsjKrsx - Please email Mrs. Evan Ward at eward@plymouth.k12.ma.us with any questions.

Today is National RX Take Back Day! From 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM, stop by Plymouth Police Department or the Cedarville Fire Station to drop off unwanted prescription medications or vaping devices, and safely dispose of used sharps. Contact Jordyn Nelson at jnelson@plymouthcountyoutreach.org with any questions.

Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Christopher Campbell, will hold Coffee & Conversation sessions regularly throughout the year with the aim of collecting and providing feedback and ideas on what is most important to all of us: our children's education and well-being. We believe that the best way to foster a thriving educational community is through open, transparent, and friendly conversations. The first Coffee & Conversation meeting will take place on November 13th from 5:00 - 6:00 PM at the Central Office building on 11 Lincoln St. in Plymouth. See the following Smore for more details. https://www.smore.com/zt9xp-join-us-for-coffee-and-conversation

First Fridays is back at the Blake Planetarium next week, November 3rd at 7:00 PM. Our friends at The Local Seen Community Media put together a wonderful promotion video to let the community know exactly what they are missing. Check it out here: https://youtu.be/wcTI1QBgTUY. For more information and to buy tickets, please go to bit.ly/BLAKEPLANET! 🌠

Curious about what this year's Children's Business Fair might look like? Take a look at the highlights from last year's CBF! https://vimeo.com/766113626?share=copy You're invited to join us on Wednesday, November 8th from 6:00 - 8:00 PM at Plymouth South High School. Our fifth grade entrepreneurs have been working SO hard on their businesses, and we hope to see the community there in support! 😊 Visit bit.ly/PPS-CBF-2023 for more information.

We are less than TWO WEEKS AWAY from the Third Annual Children's Business Fair! Fifth grade students in the Plymouth Public Schools will debut their own innovative products and services at our one-night community marketplace on Wednesday, November 8th from 6:00 - 8:00 PM at Plymouth South High School! Our students, mentors and advisors have been working so hard for this very moment, and we hope to see you there! See the following link for more info and Frequently Asked Questions: https://sites.google.com/plymouth.k12.ma.us/ppschildrensbusinessfair/info-for-parents-faq

TONIGHT! Support the Plymouth North High School Junior Class Student Council at the spooktacular PNHS Haunted House. 👻 The Kid-Friendly Hallway will be from 4:00 - 5:30 PM. When walking through the Kid-Friendly Hallway, adult supervision is required. The Haunted Hallway (recommended for ages 11+) will be from 5:30 - 7:00 PM. Concessions and Halloween activities will be available in the cafeteria. Be sure to fill out the Google Form for a prioritized place in line. Entry is $5 per hallway, and payment will be accepted at the door. Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScGJoerMrsGzT6YtBvN4O17f_oqJXi-qhFia2FNw_m1ULnbkg/viewform 🎃

In partnership with the South Shore Community Action Council, Sunrise Rotary Club of Plymouth, and the generosity of parent volunteer, Jessica DePaul, the Plymouth Public Schools will be collecting NEW winter coats, hooded sweatshirts, hats, gloves, scarves, and socks of all sizes for students and families this winter. Help keep our friends and neighbors warm! ❤️ Donation bins are out now, and located across Plymouth at the Plymouth Police Department, Plymouth Public Library, The Meeting House at Redbrook Plymouth, and Cedarville Fire Department. Please donate all items by December 15th. Thank you for helping our community share the warmth! 🧥🧤🧣 Contact Jessica DePaul at jessica.j.depaul@gmail.com with any questions. 😊

Join the Plymouth Fire Department for a very special Fire Prevention Month event this Saturday, October 28th from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Plymouth Public Library! 🚒🔥
Meet and greet our local firefighters, get up close to explore fire vehicles and equipment, and see live demonstrations! This will be a great event for families. 😊
A special fire safety-themed story time will begin at 11:00 AM. 📚 Please call 508-830-4250 x210 with any questions!

Save the date for the Fifth Annual Literacy Night Expo at Plymouth Community Intermediate School! 📚 On Wednesday, November 8th from 6:00 - 7:45 PM, help us celebrate literacy and learning along with the 50th Anniversary of PCIS. Chat with local authors, catch a Planetarium show, stop by the photo booth for a picture with the PCIS Falcon, and much, much more! 🤩 We hope to see you there!

MASSIVE congratulations to Mrs. Shelley Terry, ELA Teacher at Plymouth North High School, for being awarded the Milken Educator Award for Massachusetts!! 🤩 Shelley is an absolutely tremendous teacher and asset to our school district who deserves this prestigious honor for her extraordinary efforts.

Our final Mass STEM Week 2023 Staff Spotlight is Ms. Laurie Ashley! Ms. Ashley is always innovating and finding creative ways to get her students involved in hands-on learning. We're so lucky to have you, Ms. Ashley!

Our final Mass STEM Week 2023 Alumni Spotlight is Keegan Savage! Keegan is a 2019 graduate of Plymouth South High School and is currently an MS1 in Medical School. Thank you for sharing your passion for STEM with us, Keegan!

Reminder that the College Fair is TONIGHT from 6:00 - 8:00 PM at Plymouth South High School! ✨

Today, we're excited to feature Mrs. Laurie Enos from Plymouth South Middle School as our Mass STEM Week 2023 Staff Spotlight! Thank you for inspiring your students to see themselves in STEM everyday, Mrs. Enos!