The Plymouth Family Resource Center Free Family Market is open tomorrow from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM! 💙 The PFRC is such an incredible resource to our community.

We're only three short weeks away from the start of a brand new school year! 😳 Have you gotten around to those summer reading assignments yet? 😄 Visit our Summer webpage for all of the information on Summer Reading Lists, AP/Honors work and more. https://www.plymouth.k12.ma.us/page/summer ☀️

A school supplies drive has been organized for our community and needs enthusiastic high school volunteers to help make it a success! 🎒📝 Any availability is appreciated between 10 AM and 3 PM on August 10th and 11th. Please contact Laurie Higgins at the number listed in the flyer for more info!

PPS is hiring for numerous positions, including Benefits Coordinator (Temporary Position), Part-Time Home Visiting Early Learning Specialist for Plymouth Family Network, Custodians, Paraeducators, School Bus Drivers, Teachers and more! Visit www.schoolspring.com to apply now!

Plymouth Public Schools is hiring! 🚌 We're currently seeking School Bus Drivers for field trips, athletic events, and 7D Van Drivers. If you are interested, please email Dr. Adam Blaisdell at ablaisdell@plymouth.k12.ma.us or call 508-830-4315.

The Plymouth Public Library is hosting a workshop on Financial Literacy for Teens with Rockland Trust on Wednesday, July 31st! Register online at https://plymouthpubliclibrary.libcal.com/event/12390711?hs=a or contact Madde Mahony at mmahony@ocln.org 📚💸

Our Food Services Department is currently hiring! Numerous positions are available. Visit https://bit.ly/PPSemployment for more information, or call Patti Callahan Ryan at (508) 830-4474 to apply.

Tune in to Plymouth EDTV at 7:00 PM for tonight's School Committee meeting on local channels Comcast 08/Verizon 45, or on EDTV's YouTube channel. The full agenda can be viewed at www.bit.ly/PPS_SchoolCommitteeAgenda. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5C8aCsXUxA

Tune in to Plymouth EDTV at 7:00 PM for tonight's School Committee meeting on local channels Comcast 08/Verizon 45, or on EDTV's YouTube channel. The full agenda can be viewed at www.bit.ly/PPS_SchoolCommitteeAgenda. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_c02JB8SZY

The Plymouth Public Schools would like to wish our students, staff and families an amazing summer vacation! 😊 Take this time to relax, enjoy the sunshine, and spend quality time with family and friends. You can find the Summer Happenings page on our website at https://www.plymouth.k12.ma.us/page/summer for summer reading, AP & Honors work, our Summer Learning & Activities Guide and more! Have a safe and happy summer vacation! ☀️

Our summer academic resources are now available on our Summer Happenings webpage! Find resources to help prevent the "Summer Slide" including Summer Reading Lists, High School AP and Honors Work, Planetarium Shows, FREE Summer Lunch & more! Visit https://www.plymouth.k12.ma.us/page/summer ☀️

Please note that today, June 12th is not a half day of school for middle and elementary school students. High schoolers will be dismissed at 11:05 due to exam schedules. Tomorrow, June 13th will be a half day for the last day of school! ☀️

Please see the final Panther Pages Newsletter for the 2023-2024 school year. Have a fantastic summer! ☀️ https://secure.smore.com/n/5kfp3

The summer schedule is available for the Plymouth Public Library! ☀️📚 Visit https://www.plymouthpubliclibrary.org/about-us/events/ for registration details and further information on upcoming programs.

🇺🇸 The Distinguished Visitors Committee is still looking for families to host middle school aged students from Shichigahama, Japan from July 29th through August 7th. 🇯🇵 Please contact Kim Savery at kimsavery66@gmail.com if your family is interested in hosting!

June is Pride Month! 🌈 Our DEI Coordinator, Mrs. Hattab, has compiled a newsletter filled w/ valuable resources. See videos, documentaries, and books for all ages that can be found at our local libraries. Check it out! #PrideMonth https://secure.smore.com/n/bkvu4

In support of Gun Safety and Gun Violence Awareness, we invite our students and staff to wear orange this Friday, June 7th! 🧡 To read more about the Secure Gun Storage Resolution passed by Plymouth School Committee in May of 2021, and for helpful resources, please take a moment to review our newsletter at https://secure.smore.com/n/ytwug.

The next ELPAC (English Learning Parent Advisory Council) Meeting will be held at Plymouth Community Intermediate School on 117 Long Pond Rd. in Plymouth on Monday, June 10th, 2024 at 5:30 PM. Visit http://www.doe.mass.edu/ell/look-act.html for more information on ELPACs.

For your planning purposes, the official 2024-2025 Academic Calendar is now available on our website! Navigate over to Documents under the Explore tab and click on the Calendars folder. Alternatively, this calendar can be found on the PPS homepage and under the District dropdown tab. 📅 Enjoy the long weekend! ☀️ Direct Link: https://5il.co/2mntv

Tune in to Plymouth EDTV at 7:00 PM for tonight's School Committee meeting on local channels Comcast 08/Verizon 45, or on EDTV's YouTube channel. The full agenda can be viewed at www.bit.ly/PPS_SchoolCommitteeAgenda. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABTyoeY05v8