Tune in to Plymouth EDTV at 7:00 PM for tonight's School Committee meeting on local channels Comcast 08/Verizon 45, or on EDTV's YouTube channel. Tonight's meeting will include the Proposed FY25 Operating Budget Public Hearing. The full agenda can be viewed at www.bit.ly/PPS_SchoolCommitteeAgenda. Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnBdareu6fQ
about 1 year ago, Plymouth Public Schools
❄️ Due to the potential for ice and freezing roads in the early morning, Plymouth Public Schools will have a two-hour delay with no morning preschool. This will allow the Plymouth DPW time to ensure the adequate salt and sanding of our roads. Two-Hour Delay Start Times: High School - 9:20 AM, Middle School - 10:02 AM, Elementary School - 10:50 AM, PECC - 11:15 AM, Plymouth Harbor Academy - 12:00 PM
about 1 year ago, Plymouth Public Schools
2 hr delay
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | Hometown Voices - EP 3 | Dr. Chris Campbell sits down with Breyaunna Hattab, DEI Coordinator for PPS, Katherine Jackson, PSC Member, PSHS Senior, Zariyah Bourgoin and PNHS Sophomore Aundreya Deyoung to discuss Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in the Plymouth Public Schools. 🔊 Listen on Spotify: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hometown-voices-plymouth/episodes/Diversity--Equity--and-Inclusion-e2dj0ut/a-aap5v47 🔊 Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/diversity-equity-and-inclusion/id1719629692?i=1000640665808 🎦 Watch on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/897276784?share=copy
about 1 year ago, Plymouth Public Schools
Hometown Voices
Hometown Voices
⛸🏒🥅 Puck drops at 5:30 PM for tonight's Plymouth North vs. Plymouth South Boys Ice Hockey game! Tune in to the live stream provided by Plymouth EDTV at the following YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSCEA0cPbKM
about 1 year ago, Plymouth Public Schools
📢 Plymouth North and Plymouth South Class of 2028 - Biomedical Program applications are now LIVE at bit.ly/biomedapp! The deadline to apply is January 31st. Consider studying in this exceptional Project Lead The Way program to get a jumpstart on your future! 🌟
about 1 year ago, Plymouth Public Schools
Biomed App
📽 Join us for the premiere of "Voices of Plymouth: Building Community Through Music" at the Spire Center for Performing Arts on Wednesday, January 10th from 6:30 - 8:30 PM! Documenting the 2022 trip to Plymouth, UK taken by Plymouth Public Schools students as part of the Plymouth International A Cappella exchange program, Voices of Plymouth celebrates the incredible impact this unique transatlantic partnership continues to have on students and families from both locales. Join us for the US premiere of this amazing story, produced by Plymouth EDTV in conjunction with the Plymouth Public Schools Visual & Performing Arts. Tickets are FREE, but donations are appreciated! Click the Eventbrite link to reserve your spot: https://bit.ly/VoicesOfPlymouth
about 1 year ago, Plymouth Public Schools
Voices of Plymouth Poster
Dear Plymouth Parents, Guardians & Community Members - Please read the following letter from PPS Administration regarding the upcoming Strategic Planning Forum Dates. The quality of our district's Strategic Plan will be directly related to the quality of feedback and participation in these Focus Group Sessions. At this time, Plymouth Public Schools is seeking volunteers to participate in these sessions with our TLA (Teaching & Learning Alliance) Consultants. Please see the opportunities to meet with our consultants and share your thoughts at one of the following forums: January 8th at 6:00 PM at Plymouth South High School in the Cafeteria, or January 16th at 6:00 PM at Plymouth North High School in the Lecture Hall. Please consider joining us in building a better tomorrow for our students. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Plymouth Public Schools
Strategic Planning Forum
⏰ It's almost time for the Plymouth North High School Eagles to take on the Plymouth South High School Panthers, LIVE from the Eagle's Nest! 🏀 Three students will be commentating on-air for tonight's Boys Varsity game at 6:30 PM, only available via the YouTube link. You won't want to miss this live stream! 🎦 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEqQDgq-zJ8
about 1 year ago, Plymouth EDTV
Boys Basketball
🏀 Double-header tonight for Plymouth North High School vs. Plymouth South High School Girls & Boys Basketball games! We'll be streaming LIVE from the Eagle's Nest, starting with the Girls Game at 5:00 PM. Tune in only on Plymouth EDTV at the following YouTube link! 🎦 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dH3L7og_kt0
about 1 year ago, Plymouth EDTV
Girls Basketball
🔔 Tonight’s Plymouth School Committee meeting will be POSTPONED to January 8th due to continued road and power issues. Thank you for your cooperation. To review the most recent PSC meeting on the FY25 Budget Presentation, please watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY2AWMc-pr8
about 1 year ago, Plymouth Public Schools
PSC Update
🔔 Please be advised: Due to the weather, there are several road closures and road hazards. Therefore, we anticipate that buses will be late. Please be patient as we work in collaboration with the town to get everyone home safely. Thank you! Also, due to the continued high winds and power outages, there will be NO after school activities. The YMCA after school program will operate on regular hours.
about 1 year ago, Plymouth Public Schools
Please be advised
Get to know the board members of Plymouth's Special Education Parent Advisory Council! ⬇️ The online portal for SEPAC CARES is now LIVE at https://sepaccares.org/Public_Portal/public_home.aspx.
about 1 year ago, Plymouth Public Schools
Looking for some fun wintertime activities to do with your children? ☃️ Check out the Plymouth Public Library's event calendar! Read to a dog, free play with Legos, listen to storytime, and more! Lots of activities happening over Winter Break as well - check out www.plymouthpubliclibrary.org for full descriptions of programs. 📚
about 1 year ago, Plymouth Public Schools
December Calendar
December Calendar
This Friday! Join Plymouth Family Network at Plymouth Public Library on Friday, December 15th to stretch your body and mind at Books with Balance Yoga featuring "Snowmen at Night" ⛄️❄️🌙 To register, click here: https://forms.gle/7zwN4xi76J1tjkmC9
about 1 year ago, Plymouth Public Schools
Books with Balance Yoga
Our Food Services Department is currently hiring! Positions are available at various schools, including West Elementary, PCIS and PSHS. Please visit https://bit.ly/PPSemployment for more information, or call Patti Callahan Ryan at (508) 830-4474 to apply.
over 1 year ago, Plymouth Public Schools
Join Dr. Campbell on Friday, December 15th at 7:30 AM for Coffee & Conversation! The topic of December is School Safety & Security. Special guests include Lieutenant Marc Manfredi, Plymouth Police Department; Officer Shawn Ireland, School Resource Officer, Plymouth Police Department; and Officer Vincent Roth, School Resource Officer, Plymouth Police Department. Hope to see you there! ☕
over 1 year ago, Plymouth Public Schools
Coffee & Conversation
Such a talented group here from Plymouth Community Intermediate School! 🎤
over 1 year ago, Plymouth Public Schools
Students qualified for Jr. Districts
Tune in to Plymouth EDTV at 7:00 PM for tonight's School Committee meeting on local channels Comcast 14/Verizon 45, or on EDTV's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY2AWMc-pr8 | Tonight's meeting will center on the FY25 Proposed Budget Presentation from district administration, school administration, coordinators and directors to School Committee members. The full agenda can be viewed at www.bit.ly/PPS_SchoolCommitteeAgenda.
over 1 year ago, Plymouth Public Schools
PSC Thumbnail
Join Plymouth Family Network and Plymouth Public Library on Friday, December 15th to stretch your body and mind at Books with Balance Yoga featuring "Snowmen at Night" ⛄️❄️🌙 To register, click here: https://forms.gle/7zwN4xi76J1tjkmC9
over 1 year ago, Plymouth Public Schools
Yoga Flyer
Hometown Voices is also available to listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts! | 🔊 Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1P91CCvxCevyYsXLOAUhkz?si=N93NmBH9RMmExb6ZZeHbcQ | 🔊 Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/business-finance/id1719629692?i=1000637465726
over 1 year ago, Plymouth Public Schools
Episode 2