End of Gallery
Be Present - English Language Learners at HES

Be Present - English Language Learners at HES
Hedge Elementary School Para-professional Patricia Santana and 5th grade students Eric Lopes and Sarah Almeida highlight the importance and benefits of consistent school attendance for English Language Learners of all ages!
EDTV Kids - Show 1 - 2024/2025

EDTV Kids - Show 1 - 2024/2025
Hosts Sarah from Hedge Elementary School and Tommy from West Elementary School start the 2024-2025 year with our first episode of EDTV Kids!
Lending Library (Portuguese) - Hedge Elementary School

Lending Library (Portuguese) - Hedge Elementary School
Learn more about the Title I Lending Library Program!
Class Pets - Hedge Elementary School

Class Pets - Hedge Elementary School
Hedge TV investigates why they should be allowed to have class pets.