Hedge PTA

The Hedge Elementary School Parent-Teacher Association Welcomes You to the 2021-2022 School Year

The Hedge PTA is gearing up for another exciting year of helping to make Hedge an extra special place for our children to learn and grow. We ask for your support in our endeavors.

What does the PTA do?

  • Hosts Special Events
    Ice Cream Social, Holiday Events, Movie Nights, Field Day

  • Assists with the costs of field trips

  • Sponsors and Funds
    Cultural Arts Events, enrichment opportunities, classroom supplies

How Can You Help?

Everyone’s ideas, time, and talents are truly needed and appreciated. No amount of volunteer time is too small, we can match your availability and interests to needed tasks.

  • Join the PTA

  • Attend Meetings
    We are always looking for new ideas and suggestions
    Meetings are generally held monthly

  • Volunteer for an Event
    We need many volunteers to ensure our events are a success

  • Bake Sale Donations

  • Movie Night Donations

  • Attend Events

All meeting dates and activities will be posted regularly on the monthly school calendar and on the Hedge Elementary School PTA Facebook page.

We would like to thank you in advance for your support. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact hedgepta@gmail.com

We look forward to a wonderful year! We hope you will join us!