School Profile
South Elementary School is located on Bourne Road. Our school serves approximately 670 students, Kindergarten through Grade 5. Students are drawn from a large geographical area that extends from the Buttermilk Bay neighborhoods in South Plymouth to the Long Pond Road neighborhoods that are opposite South High and South Middle Schools. Students hail from families that have lived in Plymouth for several generations, from families that have moved to Plymouth from the Boston area, and from families that have recently moved to Massachusetts. Although South is a large elementary school, teachers, staff and parents work to make our school friendly and warm. Class sections are arranged in pods according to grade level. Kindergarten classes are clustered in the center of the school. Active members of our Parent and Teacher Association (PTA) plan and offer family events that draw students and parents to school on a regular basis.
There are 31 class sections, grades K - 5, with an average of 22 students in each class. Reading specialists, speech/language pathologists, moderate special needs teachers, and paraprofessionals all support our classroom teachers in meeting our students' academic needs. Students, grades K - 5, take part in art, music and physical education classes each week. Our technology specialist supports students and teachers as they integrate the use of technology with the academic curriculum. Our school librarian helps students access books, print and digital materials that are located in our Instructional Media Center. There is one computer lab as well as five student computers in each classroom, five Chromebook carts of approximately 32 Chromebooks each and an IPAD cart of approximately 30 IPADS.