Family Resources
The Plymouth community has a variety of resources available to youth, families, and community members. If you are looking to learn more about community based resources please visit our digital Family Resource Guide created by staff at Plymouth Public Schools.
If you would like to download the flyer located on the right to share this resource with others, use the PDF linked here.

Plymouth Family Network
For Families with Young Children: Plymouth Family Network (PFN) Plymouth Family Network CFCE is funded by the Massachusetts Coordinated Family & Community Engagement (CFCE) grant awarded to the Plymouth Public Schools by the Massachusetts Office of Early Education and Care (EEC). PFN supports families with young children living in the town of Plymouth. PFN provides referral services, help finding a preschool/childcare, early screenings, and free playgroups and family enrichment opportunities.
Spotlight Resources:
For Substance Use Prevention: The Plymouth Youth Development Collaborative (PYDC) is a community coalition focused on preventing youth substance use and increasing protective factors for youth in the Town of Plymouth. To learn more about the work PYDC is doing locally send an email to: or follow us on Facebook @PYDCPlymouth
For Town of Plymouth Human Service Needs: Town of Plymouth Department of Health and Human Services: The Town of Plymouth's Department of Health and Human Services is comprised of critically important services that the Town requires and expects. These services span the entire scope of the Town and have an impact that can be felt interpersonally and throughout our community. These departments include Center for Active Living, Public Library, Public Health, Recreation, and Veteran Services.
For Mental Health: CareSolace If you or a family member are looking for help with mental health or substance use, Care Solace can help you quickly find treatment options matched to your needs, regardless of the circumstances. Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential service provided to students, staff, and their families by Plymouth Public Schools.Care Solace's team is available 24/7/365 and can support you in any language. If you would like to use Care Solace to help you find a provider:
Call 888-515-0595 available 24/7/365.
Visit and either search on your own OR click "Book Appointment" for assistance by video chat, email or phone.
You may also choose to have someone from the school (school counselor, school psychologist, school nurse or administrator) to assist with the referral process. Please complete, sign and return this consent form to your child's school.
Information on individual treatment providers is gathered by Care Solace based on criteria such as geographic proximity, whether the provider accepts the authorized user's insurance, and whether the provider is accepting new patients. The school district does not recommend, endorse, promote, or refer to any of the individual treatment providers.
For Family Support & Resources: Plymouth Family Resource Center - The Plymouth Family Resource Center (PFRC) supports families to access and navigate resources in the local community. They have supports to help parents and guardians keep their kids on track, basic needs supports, and community events and groups. All FREE!
For Mental Health: NAMI Plymouth Area NAMI Plymouth Area is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides support, education and advocacy throughout the Plymouth MA area on behalf of individuals and families affected by mental illness. While anyone is welcome to call NAMI Plymouth Area for information or attend events, the primary catchment area is: Plymouth & the surrounding towns of Abington, Carver, Duxbury, Halifax, Hanover, Hanson, Kingston, Marion, Marshfield, Pembroke, Plympton, Rockland, Scituate, Wareham, & Whitman.
For Grief Support: Hope Floats - Hope Floats is a bereavement and educational center for adults, children, teens, and their families who are grieving, dealing with illness, or facing other life challenges. They provide free support services that bring hope and healing to those in need.
For Families Dealing with Addiction & Recovery: Learn to Cope: Learn to Cope is a peer-led support network that offers education, resources, and hope for family members and friends who have loved ones affected by substance use disorder.
Substance Use Prevention Resources

In response to the growing need to address substance use among the youth population, The Plymouth Youth Development Collaborative (PYDC) was established as a part of Plymouth Public Schools. Originally created in 2004 as a sub-committee within the Greater Plymouth CHNA network, this community based coalition, which operates within the scope of the school district, has spent over 20 years addressing the issue of adolescent substance use. The mission of PYDC is to strategically prevent and reduce youth substance use, increase protective factors that support a healthy community, and enhance community collaboration in Plymouth.

The Plymouth Area Prevention Collaborative (PAPC) is an organization within High Point Prevention Services that helps to coordinate PYDC. Plymouth Area Prevention Collaborative helps to oversee coalitions in Middleboro (Middleboro Matters), Carver (Carver Cares), and Wareham (Wareham Connects). The PAPC helps to facilitate the mission of each of these substance use prevention coalitions and provides funding to support prevention focused projects and initiatives. You can connect with the collaborative via email:
Below are some resources that PYDC has helped to develop. Click on the image to download the PNG to your computer:

Online Substance Use Related Resources:
The Truth Initiative: America's largest nonprofit public health organization dedicated to a future where tobacco and nicotine addiction are things of the past
Partnership to End Addiction: The nation’s leading organization dedicated to addiction prevention, treatment and recovery, we are a diverse community of researchers, advocates, clinicians, communicators and more.
Talk. They Hear You: The “Talk. They Hear You.”® campaign’s goal is to provide parents and caregivers with the resources they need to address the issue of alcohol and other drugs with children under the age of 21. The campaign has historically equipped parents with the knowledge and skills to increase actions that reduce and prevent underage drinking. Recently, it has expanded its messaging to include other substances such as marijuana and prescription drugs. The campaign now offers resources to help parents talk to children of all ages about alcohol and other drugs.
Massachusetts Organization for Addiction and Recovery (MOAR): MOAR consists mostly of people in addiction recovery, who support a continuum of care that is inclusive of peer recovery support services.
Hazelden Betty Ford: The Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is a force of healing and hope for individuals, families and communities affected by substance use and mental health conditions. As the nation's foremost nonprofit provider of comprehensive behavioral health care, Hazelden Betty Ford leads the way in helping society rise above stigma and overcome addiction.
Sesame Workshop on Parental Addiction
"These resources are for anyone serving children and families affected by drug addiction or alcoholism. As a provider, you can be a stabilizing force in the lives of children and adults. Despite the challenges presented by parental addiction, children and families can be incredibly resourceful and resilient…which can begin within the power of relationships with supportive adults like you."
Substance Use Conduct Related Incidents
There are consequences for a student caught having, using, or supplying an illegal substance in school. Plymouth Public Schools works to support an educational and support focused response in addition to this consequence when an incident occurs. Plymouth Public Schools has developed a parent/guardian response as well as responses for students who have been caught with a substance in school. Click on the photo to the left to access the PDF of the parent/guardian informational packet regarding these incidents. For more information, connect with the counseling department at your child's school.
Other Online Resources
The Imagine Neighborhood: a podcast for students and families.
Confident Parents, Confident Kids: A site for parents actively supporting kids' social and emotional development.
Edutopia: A Parent's Guide to Social and Emotional Learning.
How to Deal with Anxiety: The stress of a crisis can take a toll on your mental health. Finding ways to cope with your fear and anxiety will help you and the people you care about stay strong during the coronavirus outbreak.
MA Network of Care: The Network of Care for Mental/Behavioral Health is an online information portal for individuals, families, and social service agencies concerned with community mental health services, substance use treatment programs, and help for people with developmental disabilities. This online community provides critical information, communication, and advocacy tools with a single point of entry for those seeking access to social services. It ensures there is "No Wrong Door" for those navigating the system of behavioral health resources, those working to avoid the need for formal services, and those ready to transition out of the behavioral health system.
For additional resources, please visit the Student Support Services page.