Email Dr. Stacey Rogers
(508) 830-4343 Phone
(508) 746-1779 Fax
Virginia Di Rosario, Secretary
Christine Freitas, Secretary
Special Education/504
A notice to parents/guardians and health care providers:
To Whom It May Concern,
Plymouth Public Schools has an obligation to identify any child who is a resident of Plymouth who may have a disability which impacts their education.
As part of our on-going child find procedures, you, any member of your staff or the child's parents may refer the student for an evaluation. It is the responsibility of the Plymouth Public Schools to identify and evaluate these students to determine eligibility for special education or related services under IDEA (Individual with Disabilities Education Act) or 603 CMR 28
(Massachusetts Special Education Regulations). We are enclosing a notice that we ask you keep on file and share with parents if you feel there is a student who may qualify for services.
Additionally, if you are aware of any unaccompanied youth or homeless families with school-aged children who reside in Plymouth, please contact Dr. Sean Halpin, Plymouth Public Schools' Homeless Coordinator at 508-224-5086 for assistance.
Should you or parents from our community have any questions about special education, please contact the district's Special Education office at 508-830-4343.
Special Education Child Find Procedures
Special Education Records
Parent's Notice of Procedural Safeguards
Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act
Plymouth Special Education Parent Advisory Council
Find Plymouth SEPAC on Facebook at Plymouth Special Education Parent Advisory Council or contact them by email at
SEPAC CARES Portal Link:
Pre-K OT
Dr. Stacey Rogers
Interim Special Education Director
11 Lincoln St.
Plymouth, MA 02360

Becky Durocher
Assistant Director of Special Education
11 Lincoln St.
Plymouth, MA 02360
Email Rebecca Durocher
(508) 830-4343 Phone
(508) 746-1779 Fax