Plymouth School Committee

Plymouth School Committee Members

Plymouth's School Committee is comprised of seven members elected for three-year, overlapping terms at the Town Elections held each May. Their primary responsibilities are to:

(1)  Oversee the annual school budget,
(2)  Develop school system policies,
(3)  Hire and review the performance of the Superintendent of Schools, and
(4)  Advocate for the school system with citizens and Town Government.

The district organized a Strategic Plan Committee in FY20 that collaborated on updating the district's 2021-2024 Strategic Plan. 

As we continue transitioning into a paperless environment as a society, the School Committee in 2008 made the conscious decision to take their meetings paperless. Resulting from this change, the School Committee continues to save hundreds of reams of paper on an annual basis, along with ancillary supplies such as binders, dividers, and more.

The School Committee maintains membership in several professional organizations, including the Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC) and the National School Boards Association (NSBA). These organizations provide ongoing training for School Committee members and help inform of the issues and events of importance in fulfilling the role of School Committee member.

Meeting Preparation Logins

Use the links shown below to login to the Committee's electronic meeting platform and the Town's public meeting notice platform.

Committee members can use the Electronic School Board login for pre-meeting review of materials and participation at meetings.  Administrative staff can use this login to post supporting documents for presentation during meetings.

Administrative staff can use the CivicClerk login to create the official public meeting notice.

School Committee Resolutions

Members 2023-2024

The respective roles of the school committee and the superintendent are described in a position statement published jointly by the American Association of School Administrators and the National School Boards Association in the 1994 booklet, Roles and Relationships: School Boards and Superintendents:

The school board is a legal agent of the state and must, therefore, fulfill both state and federal mandates. At the same time, the board must be responsive to the community it serves. The board is a legislative body that develops, evaluates, and oversees education policies. The superintendent is the professional educator chosen by the board to implement policies and to provide professional leadership for a district's schools. With such vital responsibilities, a sense of teamwork is essential.

In an enterprise as complex as a school district, the line between policy and administration is rarely clear-cut. Nonetheless, harmonious and productive relationships can flourish if two-way communication is established and maintained.

Michelle Badger

Michelle Badger


Contact Michelle Badger

Michelle Badger was first elected to the Plymouth School Committee in 2011. She served as the School Committee's Vice Chairperson from May 2012 to May 2017 and is currently serving as the School Committee Chairperson.

James Sorensen

James Sorensen


Contact James Sorensen

James Sorensen served on the Plymouth-Carver Regional School Committee from 1982 to 1993. He continued to serve on the Plymouth School Committee after the two towns separated schools in 1993 until 2005. In 2005, James Sorensen took a leave from the School Committee, returning in 2013. He served as the School Committee Chairperson from May 2017 through June 2020 and is currently still an active School Commmittee Member. 

Luis Pizano

Luis Pizano

Vice Chairperson

Contact Luis Pizano

Luis Pizano was first appointed to the School Committee in February 2021 during a special election for a one-year appointment. He was re-elected to a three-year term in May 2022 and is currently serving as the School Committee Vice Chairperson.  

Ashley Shaw

Ashley Shaw


Ashley Shaw's bio is coming soon!

Katherine Jackson

Katherine Jackson


Contact Katherine Jackson

Katherine Jackson was elected for her first three-year term to serve on the School Committee in May 2021.

Robert Morgan

Robert Morgan


Contact Robert Morgan

Robert Morgan first became a member of the School Committee in 2009. He served as the School Committee Secretary from May 2010 to May 2011 and then as the Vice Chairperson from May 2011 to 2012. After a leave of absence, Robert Morgan returned to the School Committee in May 2014. He served again as the School Committee Secretary from May 2017 to May 2022 and is currently an active School Committee Member.  

Katherine Jackson

Vedna Lacombe-Heywood


Contact Vedna Lacombe-Heywood

Vedna Lacombe-Heywood was elected to serve as a School Committee Member, first in May 2018 and again in May 2021.