Students wearing graduation caps and gowns

The Class of 2024 Graduation Celebrations are memorable occasions to share with families and friends for years to come. EDTV is proud to provide a commemorative downloadable or thumb drive-based celebration package, which includes special end-of-the-year events for the Class of 2024. All proceeds from sales fund the Plymouth EDTV Video Education Scholarship.

The Plymouth EDTV Video Education Scholarship awards two high school seniors who plan to pursue further education in the field of video production. The Scholarship is awarded to the students who exhibit the highest level of commitment to video education through the development of production and editing skills, impactful storytelling, and the work ethic to go above and beyond what is required of them in the classroom.

EDTV offers two Package Options available for purchase, which will include the following ceremonies:

- Graduation

- Senior Academic Awards/Convocation

- Class Day Awards

- Senior Athletic Awards

Package 1: Download Link - $25

The cost for download links to all 4 ceremonies in high definition is $25. On June 10, 2024, you will receive an email from with private links to download the ceremonies.

Package 2: Thumb Drive - $35

We are also offering 8 GB Thumb Drives containing high-definition digital copies of all four events for $35. The Thumb Drives will be mailed out to the mailing address of your choice no later than June 10th, 2024. Shipping costs are included as part of the $35 purchase price.

Visit to purchase now!