Students presenting their projects on Abolishing the Death Penalty for National History Day

Select students from Plymouth North High School and Plymouth South High School attended National History Day at Foxboro High School this past weekend. Students researched a topic that aligned with the theme "Rights and Responsibilities."

Students showcased their skills in communication, project management and historical thinking while presenting projects that they have been working on throughout the year. Congratulations to Charlie, Addie and Poesy for taking home the "Massachusetts Historical Society Outstanding Demonstration of Research Skills" Awards! Great job to all who participated! 😊

Plymouth North High School:

Adeline Davis and Poesy Chapman: Abolishing the Death Penalty

Emma Connors: In re Gault

Plymouth South High School:

Layne Lalosh: UK Women's Suffrage

Charlie Walker: The Alien and Sedition Acts

Students presenting their projects on Abolishing the Death Penalty for National History DayStudent presenting her project on In re Gault for National History DayStudent presenting his project on The Alien & Sedition Acts for National History DayStudent Project on The UK Women's Suffrage for National History Day